OUTLET 1 | G-18 Eco Nest | Iskandar Puteri | Johor

Unit simpanan anda sendiri
(unit #1 hingga #10)
- Ground floor
- 24/7 access
- Easy access via loading bay
- Locked by your own pad lock
- Air conditioned
- Insured up to RM 10,000 (subject to t&c)

lebih besar daripada loker, lebih kecil daripada unit simpanan
- First floor
- Access via staircase
- Air conditioned
- 24/7 access
- Click here for Sizes & Prices

Unit simpanan anda sendiri
(unit #11 hingga #17)
- First floor
- Access via staircase
- 24/7 access
- Locked by your own pad lock
- Air conditioned
- Insured up to RM 10,000 (subject to t&c)

Kotak, Bubblewrap, Pita, Gembok

Loker lubang merpati
- Bigger than you think!
- Ground floor
- 24/7 access available
- Size group: LARGE
Width 75cm, Depth 85cm,
Height 80cm
[in inch: W 29.5in, D 33.5in, H 31.5in]
- Located in an air conditioned environment
- Insured up to RM 1,000 (subject to t&c)
- Pigeonhole options:
RM 150 per month